Call for Abstract

25th World Congress on Nursing Care and Healthcare, will be organized around the theme “Theme : Emerging Trends in Healthcare”

Nursing Care 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Nursing Care 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Nursing education refers to the formal training and instruction provided to individuals aiming to become licensed nurses. This education is essential for preparing competent nursing professionals capable of delivering high-quality healthcare. Nursing education encompasses various levels of training, including: Practical/Vocational Nursing Programs, Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) and many more.

Nursing research is a scientific process that provides evidence to support nursing practices. It involves systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to the nursing profession, including clinical practices, patient outcomes, nursing education, and healthcare systems. The goals of nursing research are to: Improve Patient Care, Advance Nursing Practice, Support Professional Development, etc.


Oncology nursing is a specialized field that centres on giving comprehensive care to people diagnosed with cancer. Oncology medical caretakers support patients all through their cancer journey, from conclusion to survivorship or end-of-life care. They regulate medications, oversee side impacts, screen understanding advances, and provide enthusiastic support. Oncology medical caretakers teach patients and their families approximately cancer, treatment alternatives, and self-care methodologies. They collaborate with the intrigue healthcare group and advocate for the best interface for their patients. Through their mastery and compassionate care, oncology medical attendants make a critical difference in the lives of people influenced by cancer.



Nurture analysts are experts who contribute to the progression of nursing practice and healthcare through logical requests and investigations. They plan and conduct ponders, analyse information, and spread discoveries to progress persistent results and healthcare conveyance. Nurture analysts explore a wide range of subjects, from clinical mediations to healthcare approaches, pointing to upgrading evidence-based practice. They collaborate with interest groups, secure subsidizing, and distribute their work in academic journals. Through their commitment to inquire about, nurse analysts play a significant role in forming nursing practice and impacting the broader healthcare scene, eventually making strides in understanding care.



Hospice nursing is a specialized field that centres on giving compassionate care to people with terminal illnesses and their families. Hospice medical caretakers offer physical, passionate, and otherworldly support to patients during their end-of-life travel. They oversee torment and side effects, encourage communication and decision-making, and give enthusiastic consolation to patients and their cherished ones. Hospice medical attendants collaborate with intrigue groups to make personalized care plans, guaranteeing patients' consolation and respect in their last days. Through their ability and compassion, hospice medical caretakers offer assistance, help people discover peace, and give back during this challenging and sensitive time.



Evidence-based healthcare involves the systematic integration of current, reliable research, clinical expertise, and patient preferences in medical decision-making. It emphasizes using the best available evidence to inform healthcare practices, treatments, and policies. This approach aims to enhance the quality and effectiveness of healthcare, minimize unnecessary interventions, and improve patient outcomes. It involves critically appraising scientific literature, applying research findings to clinical situations, and considering individual patient values and preferences. By relying on empirical data and continuously updated knowledge, evidence-based healthcare empowers healthcare providers to make informed, patient-centered decisions, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and optimal care delivery.



Torment Administration Nursing is a specialized field that centres on surveying and tending to torment in people encountering intense or constant distress. Torment administration medical attendants are specialists in assessing torment levels, actualizing custom-fitted treatment plans, and monitoring the adequacy of mediations. They collaborate with healthcare groups to regulate solutions, facilitate elective torment administration procedures, and give enthusiastic support to patients. Torment administration medical attendants teach patients torment administration techniques, advocate for their consolation, and endeavour to progress their quality of life by easing torment and advancing general well-being.



Diabetes nursing is a specialized field that centres on caring for people with diabetes, a constant metabolic condition. Diabetes medical attendants play an imperative role in teaching patients about overseeing their blood glucose levels, regulating affront, observing complications, and advancing self-care. They collaborate with healthcare groups to create personalized care plans, encourage way of life alterations, and give enthusiastic support to people and their families. Diabetes medical caretakers enable patients to understand their condition, make educated choices, and receive a sound way of life to accomplish ideal diabetes administration and improve their general well-being.



Legal nursing is a specialized field that merges the domains of healthcare and legitimate frameworks. Legal medical attendants give care to patients who are casualties or culprits of savagery, manhandle, or injury. They collect evidence, record wounds, and give master declarations in legitimate procedures. Measurable medical attendants offer compassionate support to survivors, guaranteeing their physical and enthusiastic well-being while exploring the lawful handle. They collaborate with law authorities, social administrations, and legitimate experts to advance equity and encourage recuperation. Through their interesting role, measurable medical caretakers contribute to the crossing point of healthcare and equity frameworks, supporting casualties and making strides in legal healthcare practices.



Nephrology nursing is a specialized field that centres on the care of people with kidney disorders and renal illnesses. Nephrology medical attendants are a learnt renal work, dialysis medicines, and kidney transplantation. They screen patients' kidney work, regulate solutions, oversee dialysis methods, and teach patients about overseeing their condition and receiving a sound way of life. Nephrology medical caretakers play a vital role in surveying and overseeing complications related to kidney disease, giving enthusiastic support, and collaborating with the healthcare group to move forward patients' renal wellbeing and by and large well-being. Their ability contributes to improving the quality of life for people with kidney-related conditions.



Rehabilitation Nursing is a specialized field that focuses on providing care and support to individuals with disabilities, chronic illnesses, or injuries to help them regain independence and improve their quality of life. Rehabilitation nurses assess patients' physical and psychological needs, develop individualized care plans, and assist with therapies and treatments. They provide education, emotional support, and help patients adapt to changes in their abilities. Rehabilitation nurses collaborate with the interdisciplinary team and patients' families to promote functional recovery, optimize self-care skills, and support patients in achieving their highest level of independence.


Palliative care nursing is a specialized field that centres on giving compassionate and comprehensive care to people with life-limiting illnesses. Palliative care medical attendants oversee indications, reduce torment, and address the physical, passionate, and otherworldly needs of patients and their families. They collaborate with the healthcare group to create personalized care plans, encourage open communication, and give end-of-life support. Palliative care medical attendants advocate for understanding independence, respect, and quality of life, guaranteeing that patients get all-encompassing care and are bolstered all through their travel. Through their sympathy and skill, they contribute to upgrading the consolation and well-being of those confronting genuine illness.



Cardiac nursing is a specialized field of nursing that centres on caring for people with heart conditions. Cardiac medical caretakers have progressed in evaluating, diagnosing, and overseeing cardiac illnesses such as heart failure, myocardial dead tissue, and arrhythmias. They screen cardiac work, regulate drugs, teach patients about way of life adjustments, and give back for cardiac methods such as angioplasty or bypass surgery. Cardiac medical caretakers work closely with the healthcare group to create comprehensive care plans, advance cardiac restoration, and engage patients to oversee their cardiovascular wellbeing. Through their mastery, cardiac medical caretakers contribute to improving the quality of life for people with heart conditions.


Neonatal seriously care nursing is a specialized field that centres on giving specialized care to infant new-born children who are fundamentally sick or untimely. Neonatal seriously care medical caretakers are prepared to screen and bolster the delicate wellbeing of new-borns, regulate drugs, oversee life-sustaining hardware, and give passionate bolster to guardians. They work closely with a multidisciplinary group to guarantee the best results for neonates, including counting, bolstering, respiratory back, and formative care. Neonatal seriously care medical attendants play a crucial part in advancing the wellbeing and well-being of new-borns, making a difference in helping them flourish during their basic early stages of life.



The clinical practice of medical attendants in surgically serious care includes exceedingly specialized care for fundamentally sick patients post-surgery. Medical caretakers in this setting closely screen patients' crucial signs, regulate medicines, oversee life-back hardware, and give enthusiastic support to patients and their families. Their duties incorporate surveying persistent conditions, anticipating complications, and collaborating with the healthcare group to guarantee ideal recuperation. Medical attendants must have advanced knowledge of surgical strategies, disease control, and security. They play an urgent role in maintaining steady conditions, easing torment, and encouraging the recuperating process, making their ability pivotal for the effective administration of fundamentally sick surgical patients.



Community Wellbeing Nursing is a specialized field of nursing that centres on advancing and making strides toward the wellbeing of people, families, and communities. Community wellbeing medical attendants work in different settings, such as clinics, schools, and community centres, giving preventive care, wellbeing instruction, and illness administration. They survey community wellbeing needs, create and actualize healthcare programs, and collaborate with neighbourhood organizations and partners. Community wellbeing medical caretakers endeavour to enable people and communities to take control of their wellbeing, address wellbeing aberrations, and make maintainable wellbeing practices. Through their devotion, they have a critical effect on the general well-being of communities.



Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing is a specialized field that centres on providing healthcare to women all through the stages of pregnancy, childbirth, and gynaecological care. Obstetric and gynaecological medical caretakers offer back, instruction, and clinical mastery to women, guaranteeing their well-being amid pre-birth, antenatal, and postpartum periods. They help amid labour and conveyance, screen fatal advancement, regulate solutions, and provide passionate bolster. These medical caretakers also provide gynaecological care, including preventive screenings, family arrangements, and overseeing women's wellbeing issues. With their specialized information and compassionate care, they contribute to advancing the wellbeing and strengthening of women all through their regenerative journey.



Surgical nursing is a specialized field of nursing that centres on providing comprehensive care to patients experiencing surgical methods. Surgical medical attendants play a basic part in preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative care. They collaborate with the surgical group to guarantee persistent security, get ready for the working room, screen crucial signs, regulate solutions, and help with surgical strategies. They provide passionate support to patients and their families, teach them approximately the surgical procedure, and encourage postoperative recuperation. With their ability and consideration for detail, surgical medical caretakers contribute to positive surgical results and the by and large well-being of patients.



Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing is a specialized field of nursing that focuses on providing holistic care to individuals with mental health disorders. Psychiatric nurses assess, diagnose, and treat patients with conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and addiction. They provide therapeutic interventions, administer medications, conduct counseling sessions, and promote self-care and coping strategies. Psychiatric nurses play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and well-being of individuals with mental health challenges, while also providing support to their families. Through their expertise and empathy, they contribute to the recovery and overall mental wellness of their patients.


Geriatric nursing is a specialized range of nursing that centres on providing healthcare to more seasoned adults. Geriatric medical attendants have the ability to tend to the special physical, enthusiastic, and social needs of elderly patients. They survey and oversee age-related conditions such as dementia, inveterate ailments, and portability issues, while also advancing sound maturing and preventive care. Geriatric medical attendants collaborate with healthcare groups, families, and caregivers to create personalized care plans, guarantee pharmaceutical administration, and upgrade the general well-being and quality of life for more seasoned adults. Through their devotion and specialized information, geriatric medical attendants have a critical effect on the wellbeing and happiness of the elderly population.



Paediatric nursing is a specialized department of nursing that centres on the healthcare needs of new-born children, children, and teenagers. Paediatric medical attendants provide comprehensive care, including surveying and checking development and improvement, regulating drugs, overseeing intense and incessant illnesses, and advancing wellbeing and preventive care. They collaborate with interest groups to create a child-friendly and steady environment, teach families about wellbeing advancement and malady avoidance, and advocate for the well-being of paediatric patients. With their specialized aptitudes and sympathy, paediatric medical attendants contribute to making strides in the wellbeing results and in general quality of life for children and their families.



Basic care nursing is a specialized field of nursing that centres on providing comprehensive and specialized care to fundamentally sick patients. Basic care medical attendants are prepared to handle high-stress circumstances, screen and survey persistent conditions, regulate medicines, oversee life-bolster frameworks, and collaborate with the healthcare group to guarantee ideal, persistent results. These talented medical attendants have progressed in overseeing complex restorative conditions, reacting to crises, and conveying compassionate care. They play an imperative role in supporting patients and their families amid challenging times, endeavouring to stabilize, recuperate, and make strides in the lives of fundamentally sick individuals.


This is a specialized field of nursing that focuses on protecting and promoting the health of populations. This branch of nursing combines knowledge from nursing, social, and public health sciences to improve community health outcomes. Public Health Nurses (PHNs) work in a variety of settings, including government agencies, schools, community health centers, and non-profit organizations. They play a crucial role in health education, disease prevention, policy advocacy, and providing access to healthcare services.

Advanced  Practice Nursing (APN) alludes to a level of nursing practice that goes past the essential enrolled nurture (RN) part. In their practice, medical caretakers have obtained advanced instruction and clinical preparation, empowering them to give a higher level of care and take on extended duties in different healthcare settings. This incorporates parts such as nurture professionals (NPs), clinical nurture masters (CNSs), certified nurture maternity specialists (CNMs), and certified enlisted nurture anaesthetists (CRNAs). It is also included in such exercises as diagnosing and overseeing wellbeing conditions, endorsing medicines, requesting and deciphering demonstrative tests, giving quiet instruction, and planning care in healthcare settings.


Nursing informatics is a specialized range of nursing that combines nursing science, computer science, and data science to oversee and communicate information, data, and information in nursing practice. It centres on the use of innovation and data frameworks to support nursing exercises such as documentation, decision-making, understanding care, instruction, and investigation. Nursing informatics aims to progress the quality of quiet care, upgrade nursing practice effectiveness, and encourage evidence-based decision-making by leveraging data innovation arrangements custom-fitted to the needs of medical attendants and healthcare organizations.


Nursing instruction refers to the formal preparation and instruction provided to people who end up being authorized medical attendants. This instruction is basic for planning competent nursing experts capable of conveying high-quality healthcare. Nursing instruction encompasses different levels of preparation, counting: practical/vocational nursing programs, related degree in nursing (ADN), and numerous more.

Nursing inquiry is a logical handle that provides evidence to bolster nursing practices. It includes precise requests planned to create information about approximately issues of significance to the nursing calling, counting clinical practices, understanding results, nursing instruction, and healthcare frameworks. The objectives of nursing inquiry are to progress persistent care, develop nursing practice, boost proficient improvement, etc.